
Fake it until you make it


Linker to 6678L failed problem

Getting crazy with the connections problems

yestoday i came to the lab and aimed to finish the work!

but when i make everything ok and proceed the testing work of my communication protocol!

But But , the bloody 6678L board is noooooot working !!! i can not even download the program to the board and manke the linker to the board !


There are various errors of the connections! one of the error is like below:

Error connecting to the target:
Connect to PRSC failed

And there are also some errors about the memory errors or encounter some exception handling error !

No idea to that !

After trial and error the whole day i still can not connect the board. i also suspect the 6678L is broken by my stupid action for the 80 pins connector.

At last i told my supervisor the issues, he is being so mean to me and hard on me.

i also think about to buy another new 6678l board by myself which costs about 400 Euros

Today after i talked with Imrat, anther student of my Supervisor.

i get the difference between his and mein program.

for the program it need a Gel file

Hi Felix,

Yeah, I think so too. It might be the noise that cause the problem.

As far as I have tested the board now, at least until now, it works fine every time. I add a Gel. File to the CCS, and according to TI ‘s datasheet, it is recommended to add this Gel file before downloading the program.

I think this file is a startup file which will check the 6678L’s memory address and disable all the interrupt first, something like clean all the thing.

But without this file i can also run my program sometime properly before. I don’t know this Gel files before, even for other DSPs or MCU from other companies. So I guess, it is possibly there is a OS on the DSP board, so this Gel file is needed .

Let’s see in the further.